ARTS #180 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Maximum 69 Number。 规则 You are given a positive integer num consisting only of digits 6 and 9. Return the maximum number you can get by changing at most one digit (6 becomes ... 2022-11-133 min read
ARTS #179 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Orderly Queue。 规则 You are given a string s and an integer k. You can choose one of the first k letters of s and append it at the end of the string.. Return the lexicographic... 2022-11-068 min read
ARTS #178 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Earliest Possible Day of Full Bloom。 规则 You have n flower seeds. Every seed must be planted first before it can begin to grow, then bloom. Planting a seed takes time and so d... 2022-10-3012 min read
ARTS #177 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Set Mismatch。 规则 You have a set of integers s, which originally contains all the numbers from 1 to n. Unfortunately, due to some error, one of the numbers in s got duplicated... 2022-10-233 min read
ARTS #176 Algorithm 本周选择的题是:Duplicate Emails。 规则 Write an SQL query to report all the duplicate emails. Return the result table in any order. The query result format is in the following example. Soluti... 2022-10-162 min read
ARTS #175 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:3Sum Closest。 规则 Given an integer array nums of length n and an integer target, find three integers in nums such that the sum is closest to target. Return the sum of the thr... 2022-10-083 min read
ARTS #174 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Find K Closest Elements。 规则 Given a sorted integer array arr, two integers k and x, return the k closest integers to x in the array. The result should also be sorted in ascen... 2022-10-014 min read
ARTS #173 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray。 规则 Given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, return the maximum length of a subarray that appears in both arrays. Example 1: Input: num... 2022-09-243 min read
ARTS #172 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations。 规则 You are given two integer arrays nums and multipliers of size n and m respectively, where n >= m. The arrays ar... 2022-09-185 min read
ARTS #171 Algorithm 本周选择的算法题是:The Number of Weak Characters in the Game。 规则 You are playing a game that contains multiple characters, and each of the characters has two main properties: attack and defense... 2022-09-124 min read